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7 ways to Improve Your Memory

Human brain is a kind of library that stores memories. Various sorts of memories are saved in various parts of human brain. Human brain requires a system of programming and recovering memories.

1. Stay mentally active

7 ways to Improve Your Memory
Physical exercise helps you to keep your figure or body in right shape. In this way, mentally thought-provoking activity helps you to keep your brain in right shape. And then brain gets the power to fight against memory loss.

For this exercise you can try crossword puzzles. You can choose an alternative route while driving. Even you can read the section of a newspaper which you usually skip. Playing musical instrument is one kind of mental activity. You can take part as a volunteer at a community organization or local school.

2. Socialize regularly

You should learn to be socialized. The interaction with different kinds of people helps you avoiding stress and depression. Otherwise stress and depression lead you to memory loss. If you are living alone then try to get some opportunities to meet with your close ones like friends or lover. If you are invited to attend any event or share a meal then you should go.

3. Get organized

You should be organized. Do not make your home in a mess. You should take care of that. You can write short note of your upcoming appointments, tasks or any other events in a notebook or gadget. You can try to repeat the each and every entry loudly as it will help cementing in your memory. The completed tasks should be ticked off. You should reserve a certain place for your keys, wallet and other essential things.

4. Sleep well

For uniting the memory you need a sound sleep. This will help you to recall it whenever it needs. You should give your priority to sleep. An adult person needs 7 to 8 hours sleep in a day.

5. Eat a healthy diet

Your diet must be healthy. It will be good for your brain as well as heart. You must eat whole grains, vegetables and fruits. You must try food of low-fat protein like fish, skinless poultry or lean meat. Drink is an essential part of your body. If you do not take sufficient water and drink alcohol then you may suffer memory loss.

6. Include physical activity in your daily routine

Physical exercise helps to increase the flowing of blood to your entire body including brain. It will help to sharpen your brain. Department of Health and Human Services has a recommendation to the healthy adults. They should involve themselves in aerobic activity for two and half hours or in vigorous aerobic activity for seventy five minutes in a week.

7. Manage chronic conditions

If you have any chronic disease like thyroid or kidney problems or depression then you must follow the advice of your doctor. If you take care of yourself then your memory will be fine. Moreover, you must review your medicines with your doctor at a regular basis. Medicines can affect memory.

When to seek help for memory loss

If you think that your memory loss keeps affect on your ability to fulfill your daily tasks then you must consult your doctor. Doctor will examine your body and check your problem-solving ability and memory. Some other tests may be needed if doctor thinks. Treatment will go on accordingly.


   Vicky (Carlsbad, United States)
11th April, 2014 1:05 PM

Excellent article

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